Monday, June 9, 2014

EX-03, EX-04, EX-05 | Free Hand: Lines

Lines are manmade creations that provide information about changes in form, depth, material, or brightness. It is a continuous mark on a surface that is defined mostly by its length relative to its own width or thickness. One technique that is extremely helpful in improving sketching is the mastering of the straight line.

In this assignment, I learned to make freehand lines;
EX-03: horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines
EX-04: cross lines in horizontal-vertical and diagonal lines
EX-05: circle lines and curve lines
No drawing aid like rulers are allowed to help us created the lines. This is a full freehand drawing. I have come to understand my own natural hand pressure. This affects the marks made on the paper by graphite. Line drawing exercises helps me to achieve straight line accuracy. You will need to move your entire arm while making long straight lines for stability. We have to keep the lines straight and parallel.

"Line does not exist in nature. Line is an invention of man; so, in fact, is all of drawing... There must have been a reason for the invention of the line. Yes, it is a guide for those who would venture into the formlessness that surrounds us on every side; a guide that leads us to the recognition of form and dimension and inner meaning."
- George Grosz, painter, 1893-1959

[photos will be attached later]


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